- Socialt Budskap: Planerat åldrande – Ett hot mot människa och miljö… http://t.co/XvaGAayK #
- BBC News – Could Ghana's new #Azonto dance craze take over the world? http://t.co/pycyTKxC #
- Boiled groundnuts from Ghana! http://t.co/mkS0g95I #
- I hope this will taste as it did in Ghana. At least the groundnuts are from Ghana http://t.co/oFbl0u3f #
- @Annelaij Får du småbesök eller? 🙂 in reply to Annelaij #
- @kofi_otu before we left in 1976 🙂 I think it might be from the W Boyles Road thing or the instalment of my mom QM / dad (Nana Kwabena III) in reply to kofi_otu #
- @kofi_otu Great. I have accepted your request on FB, I don´t check FB often so I did not see it earlier. The picture was from our time there in reply to kofi_otu #
- @kofi_otu please show this photo to your chief Linguist as he did not see that he was on this one, neither did I. http://t.co/Nrt4hxNU #
- @kofi_otu Hi, I am back in Sweden now. We met with chief Priestess and chief Linguist, so interesting and they saw my old pictures in reply to kofi_otu #
- Mosebacke och Cornelisdagen. Fick bryta tidigare eftersom det är jobb i morgon. Jätte trevlig eftermiddag/kv http://t.co/h841R0ml #
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