- My roots, my roots. I danced by the pool at the Tema Halcrow Beachclub or at friends houses or our o http://t.co/h0AoPYI6 #
- Here is another one that makes me happy, the African rhythm and simple instruments, me like.
: http://t.co/8KNX3jcG # - Who remembers this one?
: http://t.co/2tee0ESx # - #NowPlaying UB40 – Guilty on @Spotify
http://t.co/DfHdYloP # - #NowPlaying Exile – Kiss You All Over (Re-Recorded / Remastered) on @Spotify
http://t.co/6Wot52bc # - Windows Services Department, do NOT believe that it is a legit call from any Windows related company. I just got a phonecall from a per… #
- Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Help Stop the Starvation – The Petition Site http://t.co/zjegZoi4 #
- End the Sale of Animal-Tested Cosmetics in the EU: http://t.co/2Uoqg20J #
- Just testing crossposting for WordPress, has anyone got it working? #
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